Sepp Blatter and FIFA's House of Cards

Nic Crowther
Thu 28 May

Jim White nailed it in London's Daily Telegraph. One thing we can be sure of: when nature finally takes its toll, whatever it is that Sepp Blatter dies from it will not be shame.

Since the news broke mid-afternoon AEDT that six current high-ranking FIFA officials had been arrested at the Baur du Lac hotel in Zurich, Sepp Blatter has managed to only display an air of surprise. In a week where the football supremo has summonsed his loyal troops ahead of the fifth election for his position this Friday, it’s hard to imagine a more inconvenient series of events for the man that runs the biggest game in the world.

Still, Mr Blatter refuses to concede any guilt. His statement, amusing at best and downright depressing at worst, shows the arrogance and disconnection of a man from the realities of what is unfolding as his house of cards comes tumbling down. Here is the closing paragraph of his statement.

“We will continue to work with the relevant authorities and we will work vigorously within FIFA in order to root out any misconduct, to regain your trust and ensure that football worldwide is free from wrongdoing.”

The fact that the Vice President of FIFA is currently sitting in a Swiss jail cell can only mean one of two things: That the corporate governance structure of FIFA is so broken that the whole organisation needs new leadership and a restructure, or that Mr Blatter is up to his neck in this mess.

Friday’s vote is still to go ahead (at time of writing). How the world can have any faith in this sporting body as it stands is anyone’s guess.

If you need a lesson in hubris, here's the full video of Communications Director, Walter de Gregoria, addressing the media last night: