Have your say on the government’s rideshare reforms

Thu 06 Jul

Minister for Regulatory Services, Gordon Ramsay has announced an evaluation of the landmark rideshare reforms that enabled services like uberX to legally join Canberra’s on-demand transport industry.

The ACT Government is seeking feedback from the general public, taxi, hire car and rideshare providers about how on-demand transport services have changed since October 2015.

“These reforms saw the ACT lead the nation in regulating rideshare services to improve options for the community, while keeping taxi and hire car services competitive,” Minister Ramsay said.



“There are almost 1,000 active rideshare drivers working to help people get around Canberra and we’re confident the reforms are taking the consumer travel experience in the right direction.

“The reforms were always consumer focused, and now we want to hear from you, our community, about whether on-demand transport services are better since the regulations came into effect.”

Since these reforms came in nearly two years ago, rideshare vehicles and drivers have been undergoing accreditation and registration, including criminal and driving history checks - just like for taxis.  Vehicles must be checked for safety, and proper insurance must be in place, ensuring safety for passengers, drivers and the community.

“Safety and accessibility are a key focus, and we want to ensure through your feedback that both are as strong or stronger than they were before the reforms, including for people living with disabilities,” Minister Ramsay added.

While specific reforms were not made to wheelchair accessible taxi services – other than the recent release of additional licences – this evaluation is designed to check if there have been any impacts from the broader industry changes.



The Government will also consult with the on-demand transport industry to better understand changes in its competitiveness, its capacity to provide sustainable and differentiated travel choices, and the opportunities for industry participants like drivers and owners of vehicles and plates.

This feedback is an important part of the Government’s On-demand Transport Industry Evaluation, which was promised as a means of monitoring the industry over two years from the reforms’ introduction.

A final report on the evaluation will discuss findings and may recommend whether any follow-on reforms should be considered.

Surveys are now being circulated to industry and community stakeholders, with some available to be filled online. Take the quick poll and link to the longer surveys at: https://yoursay.act.gov.au/ridesharereform. More information on the reforms and evaluation process is available on Access Canberra.